Thank you for your interest in becoming a SOLVE Peer Educator

SOLVE Interest Form

SOLVE (Sharing Our Lives, Voices, and Experiences) is a mental health stigma-elimination speakers bureau. SOLVE seeks to replace misconceptions and harmful beliefs about mental health challenges with our stories of recovery in free community presentations throughout the City and County of San Francisco.

SOLVE - Sharing Our Lives, Voices, and Experiences

SOLVE addresses three kinds of stigma: Public, Structural, and Self.

Public Stigma
Public stigma involves the general misconceptions society holds about mental health challenges; for example:

We're violent and dangerous.
We can't work or contribute to our communities
We can't be stable partners or reliable parents
SOLVE's personal stories of hope and recovery counter these negative and damaging beliefs.

Structural Stigma
Structural stigma happens when Public stigma gets worked into systems. When that happens, power can be leveraged against people with mental health challenges who may be invulnerable life circumstances. SOLVE speaks directly to groups who hold the power to affect the lives of people with mental health challenges, including:

Law enforcement
Medical Providers
Public Policy Makers
The Media

Self Stigma
Self-stigma comes from the messages we hear in our lives that tell us we ought to feel about who we are, and ashamed that we've experienced mental health challenges. Self-stigma can be the final barrier to recovery for many of us who live with mental health challenges, even after progress with Public and Structural stigma has been made. 

SOLVE provides free peer-to-peer presentations to address self-stigma in our community, as well as ongoing trainings and peer support for our Peer Educators.

Click the "Next" button below to complete the SOLVE Interest Form!

Your Information

Preferred Pronoun*
Are you a SOLVE Peer Educator?*
Do you identify as a peer with lived experiences with past or present mental health challenges?*

Your Availability

Are you able to commit a minimum of 12 months to the program?*
Can you share your story, in six community presentation annually?*
Are you available to present in-person in San Francisco?*
Can you participate in 12 evening hours of required SOLVE 12-Hour Peer Educator Training?*
SOLVE 12-Hour Peer Educator Training 5:30pm - 7:30pm Virtually*
What is your day-time availability for community presentations, trainings, and peer support groups? *
What is your evening availability for trainings, community presentations and peer support groups?*

Your Interests

Self-care contributes positively to my ..........................*
Where did you hear about SOLVE*
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